Penyelenggaraan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Mahasiswa FK Unmas, kolaborasi FK Unmas dan RSUD Wangaya
The Faculty of Medicine, Mahasaraswati University Denpasar carries out Community Service (PKM) which focuses on the elderly in Banjar Mumbul Benoa, South Kuta, Badung. This activity is aimed at elderly people with a history of chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolemia.
In its implementation, education was carried out regarding these diseases as well as laboratory examinations at the Rahayu Nusa Dua Clinic. This activity is carried out in two stages, namely in April and June 2024.
Dr. dr. I Made Suma Wirawan, SpPD, FINASIM, as a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, explained that the aim of this PKM is to evaluate the success of counseling through increasing elderly compliance with treatment, knowledge about diseases, and improving laboratory parameters.
This activity involves four lecturers and twelve students, it is hoped that it can have a positive impact on public health, especially the elderly group. "Hopefully this activity will have a positive impact on improving the level of public health," concluded Dr.dr. I Made Suma.
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