Superior Services at Wangaya Hospital, Denpasar City
VCT Merpati Clinic, VCT Merpati is a polyclinic that provides HIV counseling and testing (exposure counseling and behavior change counseling, the aim of which is to change the behavior of pigeon patients so that the goals of the 3 zero government program), can be achieved by providing condoms and lubricants. Apart from that, Merpati VCT is also a PDP (Care and Treatment for HIV Positive patients) service.
Children's Endocrine Polyclinic, Children's Endocrine Polyclinic is a subspecialist polyclinic that serves hormonal disorders in children aged 0-18 years. Like :
- Thyroid Hormone Disorders (Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism)
- Growth Hormone Disorders (Short Children, Tall Children)
- Sex Hormone Disorders (Premature Puberty, Delayed Puberty, Menstrual Disorders, PCOS)
- Insulin Hormone Disorders (Type 1 DM, Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Type 2 DM, Persistent Hypoglycemia)
- Cortisol Hormone Disorders (Cushing's Syndrome, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Adrenal Crisis), Vasopressin Hormone Disorders (Diabetes Insipidus),
- Bone Growth Disorders (Acondroplasia, Osteogenesis Inferfecta/Easily Fractured Bones, Osteoporosis, Osteomalasea)
- Chromosomal Disorders (Turner's Syndrome) and Other Syndromes, Cryptorchidism (Undescended Testicles) Micro Penis (Small Genitals).
Adult Endocrine Polyclinic, Endocrine Metabolic and Diabetes Polyclinic are polyclinics that serve:
- Management of diabetes mellitus in a comprehensive and integrated manner to prevent and treat further complications in collaboration with various related departments such as: neurology, cardiology, eyes, surgery, nutrition, medical rehabilitation, psychiatry, educators and others.
- Diabetic foot management collaborates with the Surgery department and other related departments.
- Peripheral artery disease risk screening - Diabetic foot with monofilament examination, tuning fork, ankle brachial index and others.
- Integrated education and protecting diabetes sufferers' associations
- Services for endocrine cases such as thyroid disorders, pituitary disorders, adrenal disorders and others for diagnosis and treatment are in accordance with the facilities available at type B hospitals.
- Metabolic case services
Geriatric Polyclinic, Geriatric Polyclinic is a polyclinic that serves elderly patients or geriatric patients. Geriatric patients are elderly patients with multiple diseases and/or disorders due to decreased organ function, psychology, socio-economics and the environment who require integrated health services with a multi-disciplinary approach that works in an interdisciplinary manner.
- Wangaya Regional Hospital's geriatrics polyclinic is a referral place for basic health services for the elderly.
- Patients who come to the polyclinic undergo a comprehensive geriatric assessmen
- Certain specialist services are scheduled for examinations according to the schedule, namely:
- Monday : Neurology
- Tuesday : Psychiatry
- Wednesday : Nutrition and Psychology
- Thursday : Psychiatry
- Friday : Medical Rehab
- Administering medications
- For elderly patients who require advanced examination and treatment, a comprehensive management plan will be carried out by the integrated geriatrics polyclinic (MRS) team.