Kegiatan Safari Kesehatan, Jumat, 3 Maret 2023,Bertempat Di Balai Banjar Tengah Kelurahan Sesetan, Kecematan Denpasar Selatan

Health Safari Activity, Friday, March 3 2023, at Balai Banjar Tengah, Sesetan Village, South Denpasar District

Health Safari is an activity in collaboration with the Denpasar City Health Service in the series of the 235th Denpasar City Anniversary, which is one of the government's programs to improve the level of public health, as well as an effort to improve the quality of health services.

Services provided include traditional health services (prana & hypnotherapy), physiotherapy, as well as health promotion and outreach services by Wangaya Regional Hospital, general health checks, PTM (Non-Communicable Disease) screening, Covid-19 vaccine services by UPTD Puskesmas 1 South Denpasar, examinations eye health and provision of glasses by JFF (John Fawcett Foundation)

With the Health Safari activity, it is hoped that it will make it easier for people to obtain health services, it is also hoped that it will increase people's knowledge of the importance of health.

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