Edukasi Kepada Pasien Dan Keluarga Di Poliklinik Gigi RSUD Wangaya

In the context of "National Dental and Oral Health Day, today, Friday, September 16, we are holding education for patients and families at the Dental Polyclinic of Wangaya Regional Hospital. With resource persons, Drg. Ni Made Sritamin and Drg. Tjokorda Istri Trisna Hartayani Djelantik on the topic of strong teeth for life healthy for Indonesian smiles.
Tips for maintaining healthy teeth and mouth:
1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day in the morning after breakfast and at night before bed
2. Change your toothbrush every 3 months
3. Don't brush your teeth too hard
4. Visit the dentist at least once every 6 months

"Recover together with a healthy Indonesian smile"

Healthy greetings,

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