Rapat Kerja DPRD Kota Denpasar dengan RSUD Wangaya Terkait Rencana Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesehatan
Denpasar, 8 August 2024 — In an effort to improve the quality of health services in Denpasar City, the Denpasar City Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) held a working meeting with the Wangaya Regional Hospital. This meeting aims to discuss plans for developing various health services at hospitals owned by the regional government.

During the meeting, Wangaya Regional Hospital put forward several service development plans, including: Oncology Services, which include Oncology Hematology Services and Oncology Surgical Services; Pain Services; Stroke Center Services; and Cath Lab Services.

As part of service innovation, Wangaya Regional Hospital also introduced two superior programs, namely: Teman Siputri which is an integrated service for geriatric patients that collaborates with the Community Health Center network. This service allows geriatric patients who need a referral to RSUD but do not have an introduction. And the Boss's innovation, a service that is ready to help deliver medicine to the patient's home.

In an effort to fulfill medical equipment by 2024, Wangaya Regional Hospital has allocated funds from various sources, including: APBD funds for the procurement of 1 X-Ray unit. BLUD funds for various medical devices such as adult and baby oxygen flowmeters, Holter Ambulatory ECG, and other examination tools. As well as DAK funds which include the procurement of obstetric ultrasound, EEG, ventilators and various other medical equipment. Apart from that, Wangaya Regional Hospital also received equipment grants from the Ministry of Health, including equipment for heart, stroke and cancer services.

In the meeting, the DPRD appreciated the steps taken by Wangaya Regional Hospital and encouraged it to immediately realize this development plan in order to improve access and quality of health services for the community.

In closing, the DPRD and Wangaya Regional Hospital agreed to continue to coordinate and collaborate to ensure that every plan that has been prepared can run well and provide optimal benefits for the people of Denpasar City.
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