Bijak Dalam BerMEDSOS

Must be critical in filtering information and better understand and differentiate between hoax news and facts. This was conveyed by I Dewa Gede Rai, as Head of Public Relations and Protocol for the City of Denpasar, who on this occasion was the Organizing Committee for the Public Relations Workshop, with the theme 'Wise Social Media in the Millennial Era', at the Main Praja Room of the Denpasar Mayor's Office, Tuesday (3/12 ) Yesterday.

The activity was opened by the Denpasar City Economic and Development Expert Staff, AA. Ngurah Bagus Airawata, who represents the Mayor of Denpasar IB. Rai Mantra, in his speech said that this activity is expected to be sustainable, and can make a good contribution to the development of Denpasar City. "With this, we hope that there will be synergy between OPDs within the ranks of the Denpasar City Government, in providing information which is certainly useful for the community," he added.

The interesting thing about this workshop was that it presented speakers who were qualified in their respective fields, namely Yus Sudibya, a Balinese millennial who is a social media activist and also the founder of Infodenpasar. Apart from Yus, the organizers also presented the Secretary of PWI Bali, Drs. E. Dewata Oja, who is familiarly called Bang Oja in delivering material on public relations.

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