Dokter Siaran Tentang Kesehatan Di RPKD FM

Day activities 8/2/2023

Wangaya Hospital, Denpasar City, represented by the Deputy Director of Medical & Nursing Services, Dr. I.A Putri Widhiastuti, M.Kes accompanied by Ka. PKRS Installation L.G Wiwik Darmini, S.KM together with UPTD PPA Denpasar City became the Resource Person for a Denpasar City Public Radio Broadcast (RPKD FM) with the theme "Integrated Services for Victims of Violence in Hospitals"

This activity is a collaborative activity between UPTD PPA Denpasar City and RSUD Wangaya, where RSUD Wangaya is part of the Denpasar City Health Management Team

It is hoped that with this activity the public will become more aware of the flow of services in hospitals for victims of violence and will not hesitate to report to the authorities if they see or know about acts of violence occurring around us, especially violence against children & women.


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