Dampak Negatif Paparan Gadget Yang Berlebihan

In the midst of today's technological advances, we can do everything using a tool called a device or gadget. Helping make it easier to communicate, do work and find entertainment, making gadgets a tool that is very popular and important to have to make human life easier. Excessive use of devices can have a negative impact on the body, for example exposure to device light is very dangerous for our eye health.

The negative impacts of exposure to devices used for too long on our eyes include:

  1. Headache
  2. Soreness in the area around the eyebrows, temples, forehead or neck.
  3. Tired eyes and double/shadowy vision
  4. In children, it is thought to stimulate myopia or what is commonly known as nearsightedness
  5. Watery Eyes
  6. Blurred vision

Even though using gadgets can help make work easier, we must still maintain eye health. One of them is reducing the time you use your device.

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